Thrifting Active Wear

It is just amazeballs how much people are willing to spend on active wear.  I understand, it really is super motivating to jump start a new fitness routine by stocking up on some cute pieces, but going broke for that beach body is a big, fat NO.  Save your cash for the basics you shouldn’t…

Store Review: Valley Thrift Store

In planning an upcoming trip of mine, I poured over the “what to wears” of the world and made my list of must-have’s.  To cut down this list, a thrifting trip of epic proportions (or at least an afternoon) was in order, so I snagged my bestie and headed out to Fairfield, Ohio, for a…

Thrifting Jewelry

I LOVE LOVE LOVE beaded and costume jewelry.  I can’t think of anything that makes an outfit better than a tasteful necklace or statement piece. Occasionally I’ll splurge and pop into an antique store to find something particularly wow, but mostly, I can’t see paying retail prices for glass or plastic.  Especially if you’re searching…

Your First Thrift Store Run

So…you’re taking the thrift store plunge!  Surviving your first thrift store run is easy when you’re prepared.  Just think of it as a trip to the outlet malls, but without those sweltering/freezing trips between shops and just a tad bit more chaos.   Finding Your Thrift Stores Step one is find your stores.  If you…